Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Dolores Hope!

From Flash News:
Bob Hope lived to be 100 and his widow, Dolores Hope, turns 100 today (May 27), so what’s their aging secret?

According to Dolores, there are three main reasons for her and her hubby’s long lives: Massage, golf, and humor.

The couple married in 1934 and Dolores says their wellness rituals always included relaxing massages and quality time on the golf course.

She says humor also prolongs life and since there was never a shortage of laughter in their home, Bob was able to live an entire century and she’s still truckin’.

The birthday girl has kept just as busy as her late husband.

Dolores has been singing in clubs since the ’30s, which is how she met Bob in the first place.

She entertained U.S. troops overseas alongside Bob for decades, and recorded her first album – Dolores Hope: Now And Then – at age 83.

She’s since had three follow-up albums and a Christmas CD with Bob.

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