Friday, May 29, 2009

Murtha Challengers Abound

From Timothy McNulty at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
A Navy veteran with a Harvard University degree plans to challenge U.S. Rep. John Murtha for the Democratic nomination for the 12th District congressional seat next year.
Ryan Bucchianeri, 34, of Monongahela, announced plans Tuesday to run against the 35-year incumbent, stressing that his Navy service, experience in private industry and youthful perspective would better serve voters in Pennsylvania's southwest corner.

Mr. Murtha, 77, of Johnstown, has been battered lately on the propriety of federal spending he has steered toward the district, using his powerful position as chairman of the House Appropriations subcommittee on military spending.

Two Republicans, William Russell and Tim Burns, are already vying to run against him next year.
It would be the first run for political office for Mr. Bucchianeri, who switched his party registration from independent to Democrat this year.
"I'm running for Congress to further my lifelong commitment to public service and responsibly address the unprecedented policy challenges we face today, here and abroad," he said Tuesday.

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