Wednesday, May 27, 2009

No Detainees In Jersey!

New Jersey State Senator Marcia Karrow (R-23, Warren and Hunterdon) and Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean will co-sponsor legislation that aims to prevent any of the hundreds of terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba from being released in or transported through New Jersey. The resolution is designed to complement a similar Assembly resolution that Assemblyman Jay Webber introduced on May 21, with the backing of 30 other Republican members of the Assembly.
President Barrack Obama in January ordered that Guantanamo prison, which houses many violent, fanatical terrorists dedicated to the destruction of America, be closed within a year. The president also has announced that he, incredibly, has no plans for where he will now house those prisoners. They include Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the principal orchestrator of the 9/11 attacks, and Ramzi bin al Shibh, a key al-Qaeda member who also helped plan the 9/11 attacks.
“The FBI has warned that moving these terrorists to American soil would make it easier for them to radicalize others and finance terror attacks on our people,” Karrow said. “New Jersey must stand firm and refuse to let the federal government dump terrorists in U.S. prisons and jails.”
Further, Fort Dix and other East Coast military bases should not be used as transfer stations for the movement of these terrorists, Kean said. “Transporting terrorists through New Jersey might encourage sympathizers to use violence to liberate them and could make our state a target for retaliatory attacks,” Kean added. The resolution urges Governor Corzine, President Obama and Congress to prevent any act of asylum, containment, transport, or medical care within the State of New Jersey for terrorist detainees.

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