Friday, May 1, 2009

Palm: Specter Treads Lightly

The legendary Palm restaurant at the Bellevue is Philadelphia's official Playpen for Power Brokers and today was no exception with newly-minted Democrat Senator Arlen (aka Benedict Arlen) Specter huddled with real estate impresario Ron Rubin and combed-over lawyer Charlie Kopp at Rubin's corner table with two other friends.
Darlin Arlen was in a jovial mood as he entered the fashionable Broad Street eatery, greeting everyone around with the closest approximation of a smile that someone with Specter's calculated reconstruction and advanced age can muster.
Hey, this guy's had more comebacks than Judy Garland and he's made more promises than Bill Clinton.
Let's not forget that when Senator Jim Jeffords switched parties a few years back Specter vowed to introduce legislation to prevent such switches in the future. Funny how that vow fell by the wayside, huh?
Anyway, also in the house at the Palm were Big Time Lawyer Steve Cozen (whose Cozen O'Connor law firm is the city's new legal powerhouse) and old time politico Marty Weinberg.
As always, the Palm's management team welcomes all (Democrats, Republicans and even those who can't seem to make up their minds) with an irresistibly friendly atmosphere, superb service and real, honest-to-goodness great food.
But if I were waiting tables at the Palm today I'd check the silverware before Senator Specter departs.

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