Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pope: 'I Was No Saint'

Pope Benedict XVI now lives a pious life, but growing up his holiness says he and his friends were "no saints."
"I must say that even today I have difficulty in understanding how the Lord was able to think of me, choose me for this mission," Benedict said when a child, one of thousands who visited the Vatican on Saturday, asked Benedict if he ever thought he would grow up to be pope, Reuters reported.
"But I accept it from his hands, even if it's surprising and appears far beyond my forces." Talk about humility.
Benedict added that he was "a rather naive boy in a small village very far from the center, in a forgotten province."
He said when he was 8 or 9 he would sometimes get into fights with his friends at the small village in Germany where all grew up, the AP reported.

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