Friday, May 1, 2009

Vacancy On High Court

Justice David Souter was thought to be a safe conservative vote when President George H. W. Bush (#41) appointed him to the nation's high court.
But Souter fell under the spell of New Jersey's charming Justice William Brennan and the late Justice won Souter over. The diminutive Souter turned out to be as liberal as they come.
Now Souter (an "eccentric bachelor") is ready to return to his beloved farm in New Hampshire.
Which means that President Obama gets to appoint a new justice and keep a safe liberal vote.
This could have been a pickup vote, folks. It could have made all the difference.
But elections have consequences and Obama will likely have smooth sailing on his nominee.
I say the President is inclined to appoint a woman to replace Souter and the gals are lining up: Elana Kagan, Diane Wood, Leah Ward Sears and don't forget Hillary Clinton. Hey, Hillary has held every other job (save the Big One). Why shouldn't she have this one as well?
Here we go . . .

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