Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Christie-Allen Ticket?

There's lots of talk today about a possible Chris Christie Diane Allen ticket for the GOP.
Pairing Christie with Burlington County's popular State Senator and former broadcaster Diane Allen would seem to be a masterstroke.
Christie has said he must carry Bergen and Burlington counties easily if he is to be the next Governor.
Diane Allen carries Burlington handily again and again.
She's one of the most popular and effective public servants not just in South Jersey but in the whole state.
Through my work in public relations I got to meet Diane Allen and I've known her for a long time. She's smart, independent, personable, action-oriented.
Diane Allen is not ideologically motivated. Like Christie, she's a pragmatist.
Senator Allen is a consistent winner who's been able to attract independent and Democrat votes to a healthy GOP base.
And Diane Allen is not easily intimidated. She'll take on party bosses, special interests and corrupt officials if she has to. She'd be a great Lieutenant Governor.
And let's face it : It would be wonderful to have someone from South Jersey on the ticket. South Jersey deserves the recognition.
Does Christie want Allen on the ticket? Does Diane want to do this?
Keep your fingers crossed!

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