Friday, June 19, 2009

Corzine's NJ: Bad News!

New Jersey State Senator Marcia Karrow, a member of the Senate Labor Committee, issued the following statement regarding the latest unemployment numbers released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
“Once again hard figures have disproven Governor Corzine’s claim that New Jersey is outperforming her neighbors economically. In fact, this state is saddled with the highest unemployment rate in 26 years.
“Every other state in the Mid-Atlantic region has a lower unemployment rate than New Jersey. Adding insult to injury, surrounding states also have lower property taxes, lower income tax rates, lower auto insurance rates and lower costs of living. How Jon Corzine determines that the state is outperforming its neighbors economically is a mystery to the rest of us.
“Eight years of fiscal mismanagement, higher taxes, outrageous spending, record setting borrowing and bureaucratic red tape have brought us to this precipice. The governor will try to explain this data away by pointing to the global recession. The fact remains: New Jersey was in dire financial shape long before the recession hit, and the governor is now trying to pass the buck.”

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