Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Counting Jerks In Minnesota

Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman has accepted the Minnesota Supreme Court ruling which seats comedian Al (Stuart Smalley) Franken in the United States Senate.
Even for Minnesota (which elected Jesse "The Body" Ventura as Governor) this is a new low.
Coleman is a total class act. But Minnesota (loaded with "nice" people) seems to have enough classless jerks to embarrass itself time and time again.
And they joke about Joisey?
Here's the statement from Senator Coleman:
The news has arrived from the Minnesota Supreme Court and the conclusion to the 2008 United States Senate election has been reached.
I want you to be among the first to know of my decision to congratulate our newest Senator, Al Franken, for his victory. And, I ask you and all Minnesotans to join with me in giving our prayers and support to our state's new Senator and his family.
You have been my hope and my strength and my courage for these past many, many months. Your prayers, your comfort and your wisdom have guided me through the most difficult times over the past 8 months.
There are not enough words to express my gratitude and that of my family for your commitment to this effort. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done to make my life an incredible adventure.
God Bless You and Minnesota!

To which I would add: Minnesota (and all of the rest of us) will certainly needs God's blessings in abundance now.


  1. Al Franken is a Senator. This is what we've become...

  2. Sean:
    Send me an e-mail so I can have your proper e-mail address and we can set up lunch.
    Dan Cirucci
