Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Daughters Against Father's Day

From Flash News:
Oddly enough, most daughters don’t think Dad is deserving of his own special holiday.
According to a poll by parenting pro Keith Hudson, author of A Letter To My Daughters (Tad Publishing), 70 percent of daughters think Father’s Day (Jun. 21) is an undeserved day for dads. To add insult to injury, daughters think Mom should get two holidays a year while Dad forgoes his. Hudson says the stats are proof that dads need to build better bonds with their daughters.
Fathers should start by getting in touch with their emotional sides, since daughters often want to talk about feelings.
Going for a weekly dad/daughter walk can really open up the lines of communication, since Hudson says most daughters want their dads to pry and ask questions about their personal lives.
He thinks dads should spend all of Father’s Day this year reconnecting with their daughters and should insist their little girls not buy them a gift.
That may get them back in good graces sooner.

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