Friday, June 26, 2009

Don't Miss 'Napoleon!'

Maybe you studied Naploeon Bonaparte in history class.
Maybe you read a book or two about him.
Maybe you saw a movie or a TV series about Napoleon.
No matter.
Whatever you know or think you know about Napoleon, think again.
Because the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia is featuring the definitive exhibition on Napoleon this summer and you owe it to yourself to experience it. We saw the exhibition earlier this week and it is by far the best show that the Constitution Center has ever assembled.
In this extensive collection of photos, extraordinary paintings, furniture, revealing information and real, live artifacts you will also find Napoleon's letters, books, numerous personal items, medals, uniforms and even his signature hat.
It's breathtaking!
And you will see how Napoleon cultivated an image of himself, consciously building a reputation that became a legend,
You will also discover Napoleon's links to America. One of his brothers resided here in nearby Burlington County (NJ). Another brother helped to found our own FBI. Napoleon himself was a great admirer of Washington and of our American democracy.
And, after all, Napoleon was the seller behind the greatest real estate deal in American history — the Louisiana Purchase — which doubled the size of the country at a cost of $15 million, or approximately four cents per acre, NapolĂ©on Bonaparte (1769-1821) remains an undeniably powerful and enigmatic figure in world history.
This exhibit offers visitors a rare opportunity to explore the private life of the Emperor of France and to see beyond the legend to gain an understanding of this complex political leader whose actions reshaped the landscape of Europe and America.
Napoleon continues at the National Constitution Center through September 7.
Don't miss it!

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