Monday, June 8, 2009

Editorials: Corzine Sold Out

One after another, New Jersey newspapers agree: Wacky Jon Corzine has jilted the taxpayers once again. Corzine sold out to the unions on the mere threat that they might picket his campaign launch party with blabby Joe Biden. The "financial genius" is taking our state into bankuptcy.
Corzine cut a deal with the unions and you pay.
But don't take my word on it. Look at what the newspapers have to say:

"It will take more than a recovery to get New Jersey back on track. It will take a new governor." (Editorial, "CWA Agreement Vintage Corzine," Asbury Park Press, 06/07/09)
"Gov. Jon S. Corzine's reputation as a supposed financial wizard is officially dead. So is any notion that the New Jersey taxpayer is even close to a mild concern of his." (Editorial, "Corzine crumbles to state unionson furlough deal that's far too weak," Home News Tribune, 06/07/09)
"Here's the question for Corzine: Are his constituents the people of New Jersey or the members of the CWA?"(Editorial, "Corzine cut sweet deal with CWA," Press of Atlantic City, 06/07/09)
"It's pathetic. This deal is pathetic. Taxpayers should be furious and cynical." (Editorial, "Furlough deal is a total cop-out," Courier Post, 06/07/09)
"Gov. Jon Corzine has buckled again in negotiating furloughs and wage freezes with state worker unions, providing enough concessions that taxpayers could end up eventually losing money in the deal." (Editorial, "Corzine to unions: You win," Courier News, 06/07/09)
"...the governor caved."
(Editorial, "Republicans' furlough criticism right on," Daily Record, 06/07/09)
"New Jersey was in dismal shape before the economy turned south. Corzine's half-measures have made things worse - today and well into the future."
(Editorial, "CWA Agreement Vintage Corzine," Asbury Park Press, 06/07/09)
"Gov. Jon Corzine's deal with the CWA sucks much of the benefit out of wage freezes and furloughs."
(Editorial, "Furlough deal is a total cop-out," Courier Post, 06/07/09)
"As with the four-year contract Corzine negotiated with the state's unions two years ago, he gave away more than taxpayers can afford. And as has been his pattern during his four-year term, he opted for the easy way out..."
(Editorial, "CWA Agreement Vintage Corzine," Asbury Park Press, 06/07/09)
"Talk about reason for people to be cynical. This takes the cake. This compromise would be laughable if it weren't our tax dollars on the line."
(Editorial, "Furlough deal is a total cop-out," Courier Post, 06/07/09)
"The governor next year wont have the layoff option available if drastic budget cuts are needed again,"
(Editorial, "Gov. Jon Corzine's deal with the state unions: the cost of cost-cutting?" Star Ledger, 06/06/09)
"Folks, this is New Jersey government at its absolute worst. Our elected leaders never have shame in completely capitulating to the special interests that do the best job of screaming loudly and donating to their campaign coffers."(Editorial, "Furlough deal is a total cop-out," Courier Post, 06/07/09)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the nickname "Wacky Jon". That about sums it up.

    He has repeatedly caved into the CWA at taxpayers' expense, digging deep into our wallets to give his constituents sweetheart deals and concessions that administrations and NJ taxpayers will be paying for years into the future.
