Sunday, June 14, 2009

Gifts For Jobless Dads

From Flash News:
Jobless dads are going to need more than a tie this Father’s Day (Jun. 21).
According to career expert John Challenger, of outplacement firm Challenger, Gray, & Christmas, kids should give unemployed dads gifts that’ll help them land a job.
That includes a cell phone so he never misses a business call and a charger so he’s reachable 24/7 by potential employers.
Challenger says kids also can do the legwork for Dad and scour career websites for job leads so he has more time to go on actual interviews.
Tech-savvy teens can help Pops post his resume online and get him hooked into professional networking sites like LinkedIn.
A clean haircut, shoe shine, and car wash so Dad feels professional are also good gifts, along with taking over his stressful household chores so he can primarily focus on finding work.
Challenger says it’s crucial to keep Dad encouraged during his hunt and make him feel valuable. Giving him a hug after every job interview he goes on can help.

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