Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Is Letterman Apology Enough?

After three minutes of a bungling and an ultimately botched attempt at an explanation, David Letterman apologized last night to Governor Sarah Palin, the Palin daughters and the entire Palin family for his crude, rude, and lude joke about Palin's daughter being "knocked up" at Yankee stadium.
Finally, Letterman admitted that the joke was wrong, that it wasn't funny and that it "cannot be defended." And he added: "A joke that needs to be explained is not a good joke."
Letterman said there was a misunderstanding regarding the intent of the joke vs. the perception of the joke. According to Letterman, the preception got away from the intent.
This much seems true: Sarah Palin and millions of decent Americans shamed Letterman; they pushed him into a corner; they forced him to do what he did last night.
The question is, is it enough? Does it make sense? Will this be closure?
People thought this might be just a one-day story. But it wasn't.
And it's no secret that some major advertisers have pulled their ads from Letterman in the aftermath of this.
Letterman seems hopelessly out of touch.
Will he survive. Should he survive?

1 comment:

  1. Why not? He's certainly apologized more than most comedians would have.
