Thursday, June 4, 2009

Israel-Palestine 'Balanced' Policy?

Republican Jewish Coalition Executive Director Matthew Brooks said today:

President Barack Obama, in his major speech in Cairo this morning, struck a balanced tone with regard to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and that's what was wrong with this speech.

American policy should not be balanced - it should side with those who fight terror, not those who either engage in it or are too weak to prevent it.

This conflict will not reach a peaceful conclusion until the Palestinians put an end to terrorism, violence, and incitement against Israel. American policy has long been to support Israel - a fellow democracy and committed ally of this country - in its efforts to achieve lasting security for its citizens. Israel's good faith efforts have been met by unremitting Palestinian violence and what is in effect an internal Palestinian civil war. Peace and security go hand in hand - Israel has repeatedly reached out her hand in peace only to have it slapped back. The President's remarks to the world's Muslims today appear to mark the beginning of a worrisome shift in U.S. policy.

We urge President Obama to return to the policy of holding the security of Israel as a key American priority and requiring significant, concrete, and verifiable moves toward peace from the Palestinian side.


  1. For eight years we listened to ignorant, hateful and downright mean words coming from the left towards President Bush. Bush was refused credit for anything. When Obama took office I vowed to myself that I would not act in such a disgraceful way. If you check back on my posts I have been anything but enthralled with the Commander in Chief, but I haven't stooped to the level of the left, and for that I'm proud of myself.

    But over time I've been sickened by the so-called change. I don't think the change is what he was speaking about during the campaign however.

    Today was the tipping point for me.

    To speak of Israel and Palestine as equals shows the ignorance of our President, to claim that Iran has the right to Nuclear power is equivalent to Chamberlain granting Germany the Sudatenland, and again, ignorance. To allow North Korea to walk all over you is, well, again, ignorant. It's non-stop with this guy.

    At one point during Obama's campaign I remember him stating that we need missile defense. This seemed to be a bi-partisan, smart move. Now, immediately after North Korea fires missiles, money for missile defense in Alaska is cut. Why??

    Also, speaking of bi-partisanship, is anyone else sick of hearing how bi-partisanship is needed to save our country. Republicans who don't act in a bi-partisan way are somehow anti-American. Yet again, a few years ago a democrat wouldn't understand the meaning of bi-partisanship. Another web of hypocrisy is spun by television, the dems on the hill and your president.

    Remember when the left would spout out that Jefferson once said, "Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism?" I guess that quote has been striken frmo the history books. In fact, the tea parties were belittled and made fun of throughout the liberal newspapers and the major news channels. The White House even addressed it as anti-American. I guess dissent is only a good thing when a Republican is in office. Why??

    "Freedom of Speech" the label for all of the hate spewed out of the left over the past eight years is no longer relevant. It's somehow wrong now to argue with the Government. Shit, not only is Freedom of Speech under attack from the Democratic Party, it's under attack from legislators with legislation disguised as "Fairness." Who is stupid enough to believe silencing the minority is "Fair?"

    But to save the best for last let me point this out. A mistake made by Bush showed his stupidity. The same by Obama show's his regular guy side. Expensive clothes for Michelle are now fashionable, when just a few months ago Sarah Palin was belittled for wearing expensive clothes that she didn't even buy. Short and dismissive answers to questions now show the Presidents "coolness" where for Bush they were arrogant.

    The hypocritical extent for the media has no bounds, it will only continue and continue, and I am scared.

    I once quoted an author who claimed that objective journalism is nothing more than a dream. That it is impossible to achieve. I believe that more now than ever. Although, at least years ago, media "tried" to be objective. But I guess no more.

  2. Shawn:
    Don't be scared.
    Maintain your belief in our democracy and in common sense.
    As long as there are people like you who care passionately about the future of our country and who are not afraid to express their views clearly and convincingly, we need not fear.
    Keep fighting the good fight!
