Sunday, June 14, 2009

Joe Biden's Busy Schedule

From the Los Angeles Times:

After a very busy, short week of breaking ground for the cameras in several states, Vice President Joe Biden is taking the entire weekend off. Sort of. Here's his official White House schedule:

Saturday June 13, 2009 and Sunday
June 14, 2009
Vice President Biden will be in Wilmington, Delaware on
Saturday June 13th and Sunday June 14th. No public events are scheduled.
In two busy days this week the VP was in three states, shoveling dirt at groundbreakings to call public attention to the hundreds of construction projects the administration says are now underway to stimulate the economy.
The last event was in Kalamazoo, Mich., of all places, for some widening of I-94 so people can flee that Michigan community quicker in these difficult economic times. (Word also has it that through the magic of videotape, Biden will talk on "Meet the Press" Sunday.)
Besides the vice president and Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, the K-zoo event also attracted the presence of Gov. Jennifer Granholm, Sen. Carl Levin and Sen. Debbie Stabenow. Each one of them said they were happy to be there and delighted at the wonderful work President Obama's economic program is performing.
Someday someone should add up the afternoons'-worth of salaries and travel and security expenses of public officials at such publicity events. That money could count as significant economic stimulation too as well as part of the next generation's debt-load.

Joe Biden is good at shoveling stuff.
He's been doing it most of his life.
Now he gets to take a couple of days off before shoveling some more.

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