Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Lagacy Of Love

SJ magazine's Nicole Pensiero has written a beautiful story about our dear friend Susan Rose and the Lauren Rose Albert Foundation in the magazine's June issue.
We are so fortunate to count Susan and Stuart Rose among our most cherished friends.
We've known for a long time that Sue Rose is a warm and loving person and a loyal friend. But she's also a dynamo and a miracle worker. Her story is inspiring.
Here's part of what Nicole has written:
Susan Rose is such an upbeat and dynamic person – such a “do-er” – that it’s hard to imagine her once being so debilitated by grief that, for a year, she “sat in a chair in a daze,” as she puts it.
But the very thing that once immobilized this energetic Cherry Hill mother of four and grandmother of 10 now energizes and inspires her: the love she holds for her late daughter, Lauren Rose Albert, who died 10 years ago in a fluke accident while on vacation in Morocco with her husband, Dr. Todd Albert, an orthopedic surgeon.

Lauren, who was 40 at the time of her death, left behind three young kids, her heartbroken parents, siblings and husband. With a phone call that came shortly after Susan and her husband Stuart returned home from a hockey game, their lives were irrevocably changed.
“Lauren had a smile that could light up a room,” recalls Susan, who has three other daughters. Even now, with the healing that comes only from time, she can still recall being “completely unprepared for the depth of the grief” she felt after losing her eldest child so cruelly and unexpectedly.
“You never think you will outlive your children…it wasn’t even in my consciousness, that possibility,” she says. The onetime registrar of deeds for Camden County, Rose recalls spending many painful weeks and months after Lauren’s death “journaling and walking in the park, and repeating a mantra I had created: Get me through this day.”

Read the rest of this incredible story by clicking here.

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