Saturday, June 13, 2009

Letterman: FCC Complaint Filed

From Jeff Salamon at Austin 360:
Sarah Palin is not the only person outraged about David Letterman’s jabs at her family. After the CBS late-night talk show host made some off-color jokes about the former vice presidential candidate’s daughter Monday night, Austinite Russell Korman, owner of Russell Korman’s Fine Jewelry & Watches, decided to file a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission.
“I really think it was intent to hurt a public figure by going through their children,” said Korman, who saw the jokes on Tuesday when they were rerun on cable news shows. “We didn’t do that, much, to the Bush kids and we didn’t do it much to Chelsea Clinton or Amy Carter, and we certainly shouldn’t do it to Sasha and Malia Obama. And we shouldn’t do it to a governor or senator or, really, anyone’s underage kids.” . . .

Korman filed his complaint (Form 475B, regarding “Obscene, Profane and/or Indecent Material") on Thursday morning. He said he would like to see the FCC mete out the maximum possible fine to CBS and for the network to suspend Letterman’s show for a week. “I’m not someone that does a Don Imus thing and calls for firings and things like that,” he said.
Neither the FCC nor local CBS affiliate KEYE responded to repeated requests for comment.

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