Thursday, June 11, 2009

Letterman: A New Low

From the Los Angeles Times:
Maybe it's just the tempting ratings window of no longer going up against NBC's Juggernaut Jay and being the also-ran of late-night television.
But CBS' David Letterman told a real howler on nationwide TV Monday night that drew gasps from some parents and now a scathing rebuttal from the nation's most famous pitbull hockey mom -- and dad.
Noting that Alaska's Republican Gov. Sarah Palin
and her daughter attended a New York Yankees game over the weekend with famous Yankee fan Rudy Giuliani, Letterman said:
One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game, during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.
Letterman, until recently an unwed father, has often made his disdain clear for the former GOP VP nominee, who had several damaging interviews with CBS during the general election campaign last September.But this is the first time in memory he's taken on the teenage daughter of the governor, on the left in the above photo.In a statement to
Fox News, Palin called the comments "inappropriate" and "sexually perverted" and ones Letterman would not "dare make" about anyone else's daughter.The governor added:
"Acceptance of inappropriate sexual comments about an underage girl, who could be anyone's daughter, contributes to the atrociously high rate of sexual exploitation of minors by older men who use and abuse others." Willow's father, Todd, added his thoughts:
Any ‘jokes’ about raping my 14-year-old are despicable. Alaskans know it, and I believe the rest of the world knows it, too.
David Letterman is slipping rapidly in the ratings.
Indeed, he's never been able to overtake his competition and now the situation is only getting worse.
And there's a reason for this: David Letterman is a dirty old man.

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