Sunday, June 14, 2009

Long May She Wave!

On this day in 1780 the Congress of the United States adopted the stars and stripes design of our flag as the official symbol of our nation to fly proudly throughout America.
Today is Flag Day.
And, by proclamation of President Obama this entire week is Flag Week.
We thank the President for recognizing the unique and enduring significance of America's beloved flag.
Summer is America’s season.
And it’s also the season of Old Glory. It’s the time of year when our American flag seems more visible than ever. The flag flies proudly at Fourth of July celebrations, leads parades and community observances, decorates monuments and gravesides and flutters above tall buildings and city streets.
So, show the flag proudly this week and throughout the summer.
Display it everywhere.
Salute it
Honor it.
Pledge your allegiance to it.
Respect it.
Proclaim its glory to all.
Our flag is the living embodiment of our nation. This summer let’s treat it as such.

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