Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Obama, The Secret Smoker

From Ben Smith at Politico:
The cap of an entertaining, wide-ranging press conference that included a spirited defense of the public health care option: A carefully-framed, detailed question from Obama on his smoking habit."You just think it's neat to ask me about my smoking," he told the reporter, before conceding that he has "fallen off the wagon sometimes."
"Am I a daily, a constant smoker? No," he said. "I don't do it in front of my kids. I don't do it in front of my family."
Obama said he was "95% cured" and compared himself to a recovering alcoholic.
"Once you've gone down this path, it's something you continually struggle with," he said.
It's a rare admission of personal weakness in a politician whose personal discipline has always been notable.
What an interesting defense: "I don't do it in front of my kids. I don't do it in front of my family."
It sort of reminds me of an old friend I had who never smoked in front of her parents.
And then there's the famous Bette Davis line. When asked "Do you smoke after sex?" Davis answered: "I don't know. I've never looked."

1 comment:

  1. My AA group would get a kick out of comparing smoking and alcohol addiction as being 95% cured. Good Lord, this guy is really clueless
