Friday, June 5, 2009

Obama's Flattery Festival

From Charles Hurt at the New York Post:
Obama really buttered them up in Cairo.
He thanked them for everything from algebra to the pen, though he curiously failed to mention that they often throw people in prison for using it.
He even went so far as to tell the audience that he considers "it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear."
Wow. That won't be the last time you hear that line.
And anyway, where exactly is that in the oath of office he took?
And if talking is going to resolve all the problems in the world, Obama got a good bit of that out of the way today.
He talked and talked and talked and talked.
And then kept talking.
Vacillating between a lecture-some professor and a talk show therapist, Obama started out numbering the grave and important issues he wanted to discuss. After a half-dozen, he junked the whole numbering system.
Or, lost count.
The problem with talking so much is that you eventually just start babbling and saying a bunch of stuff that makes no sense.
At one point, Obama fretted over the rise of new power that, to the horror of civilized people, exudes an obsessed and twisted view of "sexuality" and "mindless violence."
No, the Internet.
They guy is confronting one of the most evil and relentless mindsets in the history of man and he finds room in his big address to whine about the Internet -- by far a greater tool for freedom than anything else.
He also promised -- again, with his trademark modesty -- to bring to the effort of peace in the Middle East all "the patience that the task requires."
That's a lot of patience for one man. Like Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King combined.
Good thing he's the master of so much patience because he'll need every bit of it -- even with great speeches in Cairo.

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