Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Oh Michelle, Ma Belle!

Forget Rahm Emanuel. Ditch David Axelrod. Ignore Valerie Jarrett. Just focus on Desiree Rogers.

Desiree Glapion Rogers is the White House social secretary, and she's a lot more fun to look at than Emanuel, Axelrod or Jarrett. I know because I'm looking at a photo of her.

Of Creole heritage, she's a cool New Orleans native with a Harvard MBA who made her mark both in corporate America and the rough and tumble world of Chicago politics.

Rogers is the "eyes and ears" of first lady Michelle Obama. Through Michelle, she's in charge of selling the Obama brand. Rogers will tell you that brand Obama is "the best brand on earth." And, so far, the marketing campaign seems to be remarkably successful.

Our first lady is increasingly perceived as open, caring, attentive, natural, graceful. She grows vegetables and herbs behind the White House. She takes romantic walks in the moonlight with her husband. Has "date nights" in New York and Paris. Nurtures and obviously adores her two daughters. Ditches formality to enjoy a local burger joint. Even breaks with protocol to reach out to Queen Elizabeth.

It's all picture perfect. Which means the Rogers touch seems to be working, and people are giving Obama high marks.

She's fashionable. Funny. Hip. Charming. She's been on the cover of every magazine imaginable in recent weeks.

And those who are paid to have opinions on these things are even comparing Obama to another young and famous first lady, Jacqueline Kennedy.

But that's where they and I part company.

To read the rest of my column from today's Philadelphia Daily News, click here.

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