Saturday, June 27, 2009

These GOP Traitors Voted 'Yes'

Here are the names of the eight Republican Members of Congress (RINOS - Republicans In Name Only) who voted for the Cap and Trade Bill - the largest single tax increase in American history.
This measure passed by seven votes. These eight made the difference
Had they remained true to their Republican principles this huge tax increase would have never passed the House. It would have died.
But, instead it now moves to the Senate where we must continue the fight.
Sadly, four of these eight (Smith, LoBiondo, Castle and Lance) are from the tri-state area. Even worse, three of them (Smith, LoBiondo and Lance) are from Joisey.
They oughta be ashamed of themselves.
Click on their names to contact their offices directly. Or, call the area members whose numbers are shown. Or, do both.
Call, e-mail, write and tell others to do the same.
Tell these Members of Congress that they sold you out.
Tell them they fleeced you.
Tell them you'll remember what they did.
Here they are:
Mary Bono Mack
Mike Castle 202-225-4165
Mark Steven Kirk
Leonard Lance
Frank LoBiondo 202-225-6572
John McHugh
Dave Reichert
Christopher Smith (NJ) 202-225-3765


  1. WHAT A SORRY BUNCH OF SCUMBAGS. !! WE WILL KNOW THIER NAMES. I am posting all their pics and suggesting that they get voted out of office. 2010 AND 202 are going to be fun elections. I hope we see a lot of dems go down and ALL OF THE TRAITOR REPUBLICANS WITH THEM. !! This is a horrible new tax bill !

  2. Thanks for posting all their names and phone numbers. How bough addresses also. I will write and tell them how sorry they are.
    Sorry I meant to post 2012 on my other post !!
    You can bet that next election I will vote against all these kinds of scum in my area. I hope all of America will do the same. I have had enough of this BS and I want take it anymore !
