Friday, June 12, 2009

Time to Fire Letterman

An editorial from the Daily News Record of Harrisonburg, VA.
Few comedians are as unfunny as David Letterman. Indeed, the gap-toothed smart-alec really isn’t funny at all; rather, he’s merely just another leftist fool and bully.
And like most bullies, he picks on those who are weaker. A few days ago, he told two despicable “jokes” about Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and her daughter. In a sane world, both would be firing offenses.
The first was No. 2 in his unfunny and hackneyed Top Ten List that covered the highlights of Mrs. Palin’s recent trip to New York:
“Bought makeup at Bloomingdale’s to update her ‘slutty flight attendant’ look.”
If you think that one’s nice, try this line about Mrs. Palin’s daughter:
“One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game, during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked-up by Alex Rodriguez.”
This is typical leftist discourse. Before Americans elected President Obama, a random visit to Huffington Post or Daily Kos Web sites revealed not just nasty but threatening commentary about President Bush and Vice President Cheney, including wishes for them to get killed.
A few years ago, professional atheist and Trotskyite Christopher Hitchens uttered the following remarks about Mother Theresa: “I wish there was a hell for the b***h to go to.”
Most recently, Playboy magazine published a piece in which one of its leftist pervert writers listed the Top 10 conservative women he would like to rape.
Left-wing men clearly have a problem with strong women who do not share their politics. And for all their alleged compassion for the sisterhood, they see nothing wrong with this malevolent species of “humor.” Oddly, many leftist women see nothing wrong with it, either.
Then again, as filled with hatred for decency as the left is, the caddish behavior of verbal muggers such as Mr. Letterman is understandable. It’s par for the leftist course.
So the question remains. What will CBS do about Mr. Letterman, who has refused to apologize and admit that what he said was outrageous? People who follow these matters will recall what happened to Don Imus when he joked about “nappy-headed hos.” He was fired.
If Mr. Letterman isn’t fired, perhaps Todd Palin, the husband and father in this case, might visit Mr. Letterman. Mr. Palin might give Mr Letterman the same ultimatum singer Wayne Newton gave Johnny Carson when the talk-show host repeatedly suggested that Mr. Newton was a homosexual and connected to the Mafia.
Then we’d learn whether Mr. Letterman is the insouciant and funny tough guy he represents himself to be.

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