Wednesday, June 3, 2009

When Corzine Says 'Progressive'

Last night Jon Corzine promised to make Joisey a "more progressive state."
You know what that means: liberal, liberal, liberal.
It means higher taxes, bigger government and more redistribution of your money. It means taking money away from hard-working, productive citizens and distributing that same money to those who are less productive or unproductive. It means more government regulation; more rules, more red tape, more bureaus, bigger buildings in Trenton filled with patronage appointees. It means higher hurdles for small businesses to overcome and more business-choking restrictions. It means fewer educational choices and a stagnant educational system. It means massive government intrusion into your health care options and long waits for medical care. It means higher fees and nuisance charges on nearly everything -- a government that nickle and dimes you at every turn, restricts your freedoms and interferes with every aspect of your life.
That's what wacky Jon Corzine means when he talks about a "progressive" state.
And when Corzine talks about "stewardship" he's talking about government control over you, your family, your money, your life and your rights.
All this from a man who wasn't even born in New Jersey, didn't make his livelihood here and can't remember the last time he had to worry about money.
All this from a man who has spent one hundred million dollars of his own money funding vicious smear campaigns to getting elected.
The scenario doesn't change.
Don't be fooled: In good times or bad; no matter the election or the opponent Corzine & Co. always want the same thing from you: more, more, more.

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