Saturday, July 4, 2009

Children And The Fourth

If the Fourth of July is about anything it's about children.
For America is still a relatively young nation. We are young both in terms of the age of our nation and the age of our people.
And we are a nation that has always looked forward - forward to that shining city on a hill that Ronald Reagan envisioned.
This is a day to look ahead to greater aspirations.
This is not a day for policy and politics. That's why it's unfortunate that President Obama used his radio address today to push his policy agenda ad his own political positions.
So, on the Fourth of July I look at our large, rich national family and I like to spend the day with children. The children give me hope for the future.
I like to watch them t parades and Fourth of July ceremonies. I like to see them with their decorated bicycles and watch hem waving flags along the parade routes.
I like to watch the fireworks with the kids.
This is their day.
It's their future to dream.
It's their country to mold.
After Obama is long gone and after his collectivist ideas are but a faint memory, these children and their children will determine what America's really all about.
May they be inspired by and guiding by America's great boundless spirit -- a spirit of adventure and discovery; a spirit of innovation and triumph; a spirit of free enterprise and unencumbered rugged individualism.

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