Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Chris, Kim At Ponzio's

Chris Christie and Kim Guadagno came to Ponzio's in Cherry Hill this morning to meet and chat with the breakfast set in South Jersey.
Chris and Kim received a warm welcome from visitors and diners at South Jersey's legendary eatery and they chatted amicably with guests.
Yes, Camden County GOP leaders and others were there. But Chris and Kim focused on ordinary New Jerseyans and their concerns. Chris Christie and Kim Guadagno make a great pair: personable, engaging, attentive and at ease with the people of New Jersey.
They both seemed right at home in this classic Jerey setting; smiling, conversing easily and understanding the concerns of typical taxpayers. And taxes were on most people's minds as diner after diner expressed his or her weariness with high taxes and worries over the economy.
Chris and Kim also took time to chat with the wait staff at Ponzio's and other employees.
Always well-mannered, Chris worried that his visit might disrupt business at the diner and at one point cautioned his supporters to stay clear of doorways, even holding the door open for a Phillies fan attired in a World Champions tee shirt. "Let's get this Phillies fan in here," Chris said as the fan smiled in appreciation. To be sure, Ponzio's management seemed to be happy to welcome Chris and Kim -- and the TV crews and press cameras that followed them.
BTW: Just moments before Chris arrived Phillies coach Charlie Manuel left the diner. Hey, if you stay long enough at Ponzio's you'll meet everybody!

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