Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Christie 53%; Corzine 38%!

Christie Campaign Manager Bill Stepien released the following statement regarding today's Strategic Vision Public Opinion Poll showing Chris Christie leading Jon Corzine 53% to 38% and Corzine's job approval at only 35%:
Stepien said, "Jon Corzine doesn't seem to get that New Jerseyans find inaccurate and misleading campaign ads insulting when they are struggling each and every day just to make ends meet. At a time when the unemployment rate is 9.2%, 200,000 New Jerseyans have lost their jobs in the last year and Corzine has eliminated property tax relief for 1.2 million residents, the best he can do is throw his Wall Street money behind negative attacks. Jon Corzine hasn't run a positive ad since the primary and he only has to look at his poll numbers to see that New Jerseyans expect solutions from their governor, not millions in attack ads that stretch the limits of believability."
Read the full poll here.

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