Monday, July 20, 2009

Christie Picks Guadagno

Today, Chris Christie announced Monmouth County Sheriff Kim Guadagno as his running mate and Lieutenant Governor candidate.
The official announcement was made by video via Christie's social networking sites.
In the video Christie said, "Times are tough and the issues are too serious not to be tackling our state's problems head on.
We just cannot afford to do it any other way. That's why you'll see Kim and I all across the state of New Jersey whether it's on their front porches or in diners, talking directly to you, the people of New Jersey about your problems and your concerns." Guadagno said, "As a Federal Prosecutor and later as the Monmouth County Sheriff, I had to make tough decisions.
This is the time in New Jersey's history where we have to make tough decisions, Chris. I am proud to be a part of your team because I know you will face those challenges head on."
Chris Christie and Kim Guadagno will campaign today with an announcement event in Asbury Park, followed by a stop at The Reo Diner in Woodbridge, and rounding out the day with a front yard meet and greet at the home of Garfield Democrat Councilwoman Tana Raymond.

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