Friday, July 10, 2009

Corzine Legacy: Jobless NJ!

Today, Christie for Governor Campaign Manager Bill Stepien released the following statement regarding the latest jobless claims numbers from the United States Department of Labor showing New Jersey with the largest increase in the country for unemployment insurance claims:

"While the rest of the country's jobless claims hit the lowest levels since January, New Jersey learns that thanks to the failed polices of Jon Corzine our state once again is at the bottom of the list when it comes to retaining jobs and growing our economy.
While over 11,000 New Jerseyans in the last two weeks of June filled their claims to collect unemployment insurance Jon Corzine was busy putting together a budget that raises taxes by $1.2 billion and taxes away needed property tax relief for 1.2 million hard-working, middle-class families."

Regardless of the statistics, Jon Corzine claims that "New Jersey is faring better than other states by any standards." (Jon S. Corzine, State of the State Address 2009, 01/13/09)
For the week ending on June 27th, New Jersey had the largest increase in initial claims adding an addition 7,876 in just one week. "The largest increases in initial claims for the week ending June 27 were in New Jersey (+7,876), Massachusetts (+4,730), Kansas (+4,469), Kentucky (+3,614), and New York (+3,019), while the largest decreases were in Florida (-12,493), Illinois (-5,321), Pennsylvania (-3,949), California (-2,919), and Tennessee (-2,743)." (Press Release, "Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report," United State Department of Labor, 07/09/09)

For the week ending on June 20th, New Jersey was second in the country with 3, 170 jobless claims filled. "The largest increases in initial claims for the week ending June 20 were in California (+14,570), New Jersey (+3,170), Oregon (+3,062), Maryland (+2,342), and Michigan (+2,032), while the largest decreases were in Missouri (-5,753), Pennsylvania (-3,037), Texas (-2,759), Alabama (-1,926), and Florida (-1,894)." (Press Release, "Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report," United State Department of Labor, 07/02/09)

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