Saturday, July 18, 2009

Corzine's Tax Shell Game

New Jersey Republican Senate Leader Tom Kean said he was surprised to hear that Governor Corzine issued a press release touting record-high state spending on property tax reimbursements under the Senior Freeze program.
“Senior Freeze reimbursements only rise if property taxes increase,” Kean said. “This is an admission the governor has failed to stop the growth in property taxes for yet another year.”
Kean noted that Republicans pushed through the Senior Freeze program when they controlled the Legislature so more of New Jersey’s senior and disabled citizens could afford to stay in their homes.
“It’s a great program, but it provides relief only to seniors and the disabled,” Kean said. “The governor’s release doesn’t note that he eliminated tax rebates for more than a million other New Jersey residents this year, on top of the thousands who lost their rebates last year.”
New Jersey residents continue to pay the highest property taxes in the nation, even though Governor Corzine promised “record” property tax relief, Kean said.
“These checks are not the solution. They are no substitute for tax and spending policies that will make New Jersey more affordable to everyone,” Kean said. “Governor Corzine should be apologizing for not providing the tax relief he promised when he first ran for governor, not touting increased spending that is a direct result of his failed policies.”

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