Friday, July 31, 2009

Democrat Officeholders Back Christie

Today, Perth Amboy Democrat Councilman Ken Balut, Elizabeth Board of Education Member and Democrat County Committeeman Tony Monteiro, and Former Union County Freeholder and Elizabeth Board of Education Assistant Board Secretary Donald Goncalves announced their endorsement of Chris Christie and Kim Guadagno for Governor and Lieutenant Governor of New Jersey and denounced Corzine's negative campaign.
"Oblivious to what is at stake in this year's election, Jon Corzine continues his nasty, negative attacks ads instead of talking about solutions to our problems," said Perth Amboy Democrat Councilman Ken Balut. "Over the past few months, Chris Christie has shown his commitment to New Jerseyans by providing realistic plans to put our state on the right track and provide real relief. I support Chris because he refuses to gamble our future with politics as usual."
Former Union County Freeholder and Elizabeth Board of Education Assistant Board Secretary Donald Goncalves said, "It's time for New Jerseyans to say 'enough is enough' with Jon Corzine's negative, shameful campaign ads. As a Democrat, I always want to support fellow Democrats, but unfortunately, Jon Corzine's negative attack ads only seek to distract voters from his atrocious record. New Jerseyans deserve better when families are struggling just to make ends meet. With Chris and Kim, we'll finally get the strong leadership we need to turn our state around."
"I am a devoted Democrat but I am disappointed in Corzine's record and the direction that his campaign is headed," said Elizabeth Board of Education Member and Democrat County Committeeman Tony Monteiro. "With unemployment on the rise, Corzine's high taxes, and businesses leaving every day, we need serious leadership, not the same old attacks that we have heard time and again."
Balut, Monteiro, and Goncalves join Garfield Democrat Councilwoman Tana Raymond, who recently held a campaign event at her home for Christie and Guadagno, in their support for the ticket.

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