Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Why's Greenwald So 'Proud?'

Scot DeCristofaro and Brian Greenberg, candidates for the Assembly in New Jersey's Sixth Legislative District, called on incumbent Assemblyman Lou Greenwald to explain why he is so proud of the budget Governor Jon Corzine signed this week.
“This Greenwald-Corzine budget is terrible,” Scot DeCristofaro said. “Lou Greenwald pushed it through his committee, helped guide it through the Assembly and then watched Jon Corzine sign it. He might as well have driven a stake through the hearts of the taxpayers. This Greenwald-Corzine budget is going to chase my parents out of the state.”
Brian Greenberg said, “This budget is a job killer. No self respecting businessman in their right mind would come to Jersey where the highest state income tax - 10.75% - and the highest property taxes in the nation reside. Moreover, given the mixed stew of deception, sleight of hand, and the cynical theft of designated reserves, one should call this the Bernie Madoff budget."
"California is facing imminent bankruptcy and the Greenwald-Corzine budget has set up New Jersey for a similar fate next summer." Greenberg stated.

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