Friday, August 7, 2009

Ethics:Corzine Drags Feet

Shopping Carts Before Corruption:
Jon Corzine Believes The Legislature Is Too Busy To Deal With Corruption

When Jon Corzine Was Asked Why Ethics Reforms Have Not Been Passed In His 4 Years As Governor He Said...

"I don't think it is that there is an avoidance of this, I think it was a focus on priorities." (Claire Heininger and Trish Graber, "N.J. corruption scandal takes centerstage in governor's race," Star Ledger, 08/05/09)

But Jon Corzine found time to sign bills regulating everything from impounding shopping carts to declaring November "New Jersey Wine Month":
Corzine: No time for ethics but time to sign a bill into law...
Imposing moratorium on harvest and possession of horseshoe crabs.(A2260, 08)

Corzine: No time for ethics but time to sign a bill into law ...Establishing Ellis Island Advisory Commission. (A2869, 08)

Corzine: No time for ethics but time to sign a bill into law ...
Declaring November of each year as "New Jersey Wine Month."(AJR81, 08)

Corzine: No time for ethics but time to sign a bill into law ...Regulating the impoundment of shopping carts. (S1238, 08)

Corzine: No time for ethics but time to sign a bill into law ...Renaming the "police court of the Palisades Interstate park" as "Court of Palisades Interstate Park." (S1430, 08)

Corzine: No time for ethics but time to sign a bill into law ...Designating DOT's Engineering and Operations Building as "Jack Friedenrich Engineering and Operations Building." (S2369, 09)

Corzine: No time for ethics but time to sign a bill into law ...Designating Sunset Lake Hydrofest in Wildwood Crest as New Jersey Governor's Cup Hydrofest Series. (SJR27, 09)

Governor Corzine Has Made Promise After Promise That He Will Enact Ethics Reforms For Years:

" I will enact the toughest ethics reform in the history in this state." (Jon Corzine, NJN Debate, 09/20/05)

"Let us make these reforms permanent in the state's constitution so that they cannot be ignored in practice, subverted behind closed doors, or put aside after the present crisis of confidence subsides." (Jon Corzine, Inauguration Speech, 01/17/2006)

"'If the Legislature and myself don't have passion about trying to do something about combating the breakdown of the public trust,' he said, 'I will be in despair.'" (Tom Moran, "Corzine's reform opportunity,", 09/08/07)

"But I want to give the people of New Jersey the greatest possible assurance about that. I'm not done yet. You'll see in the next few months we'll do dramatically more." (Bob Braun, "Corzine takes on Christie in an arena of ethics reform," Star Ledger, 08/31/08)

"'Any corruption is unacceptable - anywhere, anytime, by anybody,' said Corzine. 'The scale of corruption we're seeing as this unfolds is simply outrageous and cannot be tolerated.'" (Max Pizarro, "Corzine statement on corruption arrests,", 07/23/09)

Jon Corzine: Watch what he DOES, not what he says!

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