Saturday, August 15, 2009

NJ: More Bad Economic News!

New data reveals a harsh reality for New Jersey families.
Instead of foreclosure filings falling over the last six months, they have actually risen by more 30 percent and "the number of homeowners in trouble in New Jersey has been soaring" (Lisa Fleisher, "N.J. foreclosures rise 31 percent during first half of year," The Star-Ledger, 08/13/09).
The latest report outlines what Governor Jon Corzine was too out of touch to realize a month ago because he was so busy patting himself on the back: New Jerseyans in cities and towns throughout our state are under tremendous pressure to make ends meet. These new numbers should not come as a surprise for someone with Jon Corzine's financial background. Earlier this year, home foreclosure filings in New Jersey jumped 40 percent from February to March indicating, along with the rising state unemployment rate, serious trouble for New Jersey homeowners (Lisa Fleisher, "N.J. foreclosures start ticking up again in March," The Star-Ledger, 04/16/09).
New Jersey gubernatorial candidate Chris Christie stated: "What will it take for Governor Corzine to wake up and realize that New Jerseyans are struggling to keep their homes and provide for their families? He believes his policies have actually prevented the economic downturn and now has failed to ask serious questions about why there has been such a jump in home foreclosures in the last six months.
"The reality is that under Governor Corzine's leadership New Jersey has the highest tax burden in the country, the highest unemployment in 32 years and has now just experienced a 31% increase in the number of foreclosures in the last six months. Governor Corzine can ignore the economic reality for as long as he wants, but his political pandering doesn't make it any easier for families to put food on the table, send their kids to school or stay in their homes."

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