Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Christie Leads All Polls

New Jersey Republican State Committee Chairman Jay Webber today issued the following statement concerning today's release of new polls from Quinnipiac University and Fairleigh Dickinson University:
"Despite Governor Corzine's onslaught of negative campaigning aimed at distracting voters from his failed record, the people of New Jersey are rejecting the last four years of policies that have led to the highest unemployment in 32 years, the highest tax burden in the nation, and 200,000 lost jobs. It's clear that New Jerseyans prefer Chris Christie's positive vision for New Jersey, and will give him the privilege to serve them in November."

Quinnipiac University Poll: Chris Christie Has 10 Point Lead, Voters Rejecting Corzine's Negative Campaigning

"Democratic incumbent Gov. Jon Corzine...now trails Republican challenger Christopher Christie 47 - 37 percent among likely voters..." ("Corzine Losing Battle Of Attack Ads In New Jersey, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Democrat Trails Christie By 10 Points," Quinnipiac University Poll, 9/1/09)

"Of the 77 percent of New Jersey likely voters who have seen Corzine ads criticizing Christie..., 56 percent say the ads are an unfair attack, while 36 percent say they are a legitimate campaign issue. Independent voters say 59 - 34 percent the ads are unfair." ("Corzine Losing Battle Of Attack Ads In New Jersey, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Democrat Trails Christie By 10 Points," Quinnipiac University Poll, 9/1/09)

Week after week all major polls (Rasmussen, Quinnipiac, Farleigh Dickson, etc.) have shown Christopher Christie easily outpacing Jon Corzine.
But Big Labor and the Big NJ Democrat Machine have yet to unleash their major attacks. Corzine & Co. will spend zillions to destroy Christie and the attacks will get worse. Money is no object and the truth doesn't seem to matter to them.
The negativity will continue.
It ain't gonna be easy, folks.

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