Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Christie On Corzine Investments

Today, New Jersey gubernatorial candidate Chris Christie released the following statement in response to a story that uncovers Jon Corzine has personal investments in and directly profits from an industry he regulates as governor:
"Jon Corzine's hedge fund has a direct $26 million investment into an industry regulated by his own appointees. There is a blatant conflict of interest that is clearly wrong and must be corrected. Governor Corzine's hedge fund should not be able to directly profit from an industry he regulates.
"Each day, we learn of a new conflict of interest arising from the connection between the governor's personal finances and the state's finances. If it's not inappropriate financial relationships with casino license holders or the state investing half-a-billion into TPG hedge funds, it's having a personal stake in companies regulated by his own political appointees. Jon Corzine has no choice but to reveal the entire amount of his financial investment with TPG, its decision-makers and TPG Axon if we're going to know exactly where and how the governor's vast personal fortune crosses the line."


  1. Long time no talk Dan! As per usual, you are reliable in the fact you fail to acknowledge any shortcomings of your preferred candidates. Keep up the good work!

  2. Nice to have you visiting again, Ryan.
    Hope all is well with you.
    I've been on both sides of the political spectrum over the course of my lifetime.
    I stand up for what I believe in.
    And, right now, this seems to be gaining a following.
