Sunday, September 20, 2009

Did Corzine Violate Law?

Chris Christie released the following statement on today's report on Jon Corzine's personal financial investments in New Jersey's casino industry:
"Today's report that Governor Corzine has personal financial investments in the New Jersey casino industry is shocking and reveals a colossal error in judgment that appears to be a violation of the law under the Casino Control Act. Common sense alone, let alone the real possibility of law breaking, should have prevented Jon Corzine from putting his personal financial gain ahead of his role as Governor.
"Additionally, it would appear Jon Corzine's actions are not confined just to his own personal self-interest, but have serious consequences that involve our state government.
"In the interest of transparency, Governor Corzine must immediately reveal exactly how much money he has invested in TPG, precisely how much money he has personally made from his casino investment and then he should immediately divest the funds. Any delay in giving New Jersey taxpayers the complete truth is a continued violation of their trust and will only further raise doubts about his integrity and the integrity of the government he leads.
"Governor Corzine's latest lapse in judgment raises many questions that will need to be answered in the days ahead."

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