Monday, September 7, 2009

NJ: Jobless Labor Day

Today, New Jersey gubernatorial candidate Chris Christie made the following statement on the state of New Jersey's economy:
"As hard-working New Jersey families get a much-needed break from their work week today, the harsh reality is that 33,000 unemployed New Jerseyans are fast-approaching their final unemployment benefit payment. New Jerseyans who've nearly exhausted their extended benefits at a time when our state's unemployment rate stands at 9.3 percent have less hope thanks to a Governor who's worsened our state's economy instead of aggressively working to create new jobs for unemployed New Jerseyans. Governor Corzine has steered us to our highest unemployment in 32 years and 200,000 jobs have been lost under his watch in the last year alone. For struggling New Jerseyans, now is the time to change course and change governors."

1 comment:

  1. New Jersey Unemployment Trends - July 2009

    New Jersey Unemployment Situation in Heat Map form:
    here is a map of New Jersey Unemployment in July 2009 (BLS data)

    versus New Jersey Unemployment Levels 1 year ago
