Saturday, September 5, 2009

Stormless, Placid Storm King

We spent the entire day at Storm King.
Storm King is the unique outdoor art museum assembled on 500 acres of highlands above New York's Hudson River Valley.
Along these fields, woodlands and rolling hills you will see mammoth works of art set amidst vast expanses of space.
Storm King Art Center is a museum that celebrates the relationship between sculpture and nature with postwar sculptures by internationally renowned artists.
At Storm King, the exhibition space is defined by sky and land. Unencumbered by walls, the subtly created flow of space is punctuated by modern sculpture. The grounds are surrounded by the undulating profiles of the Hudson Highlands, a dramatic panorama integral to the viewing experience. The sculptures are affected by changes in light and weather, so no two visits are the same.
The entire effect is mesmerizing, inspiring and tranquilizing.
Storm King reminds us of our relation to art and art's relation to nature. It places us and our world in perspective.
And it's a place that can be enjoyed by whole families and people of all ages.
If you visit (and you should) be sure to allow an entire day so that you can savor every aspect of the Storm King experience. Take the tram tour for an overview of the property and then walk the grounds at your own pace for a true adventure in art and nature!

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