Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Chris Bus Tour Live

Today, the Christie-Guadagno campaign re-launched its website, www.ChristieforNJ.com, as an integrated social media live blogging site for the last week of the campaign. Chris Christie and Sheriff Kim Guadagno will directly engage with New Jerseyans and provide live updates from the Countdown to Change Bus Tour.
The ChristieforNJ.com homepage will act as a social media portal incorporating all of the candidates' and campaign's social networking, Facebook, Twitter and Flickr, into one livestream. Voters from across the state will be able to read up-to-the-minute news from the road and provide feedback and commentary to Chris and Kim as they Countdown to Change, providing an innovative, fresh avenue for New Jerseyans to connect with the candidates and share their ideas and support.
Spokesperson Maria Comella said: "Throughout the race, our campaign has continually sought new and different ways to connect with voters. From announcing our Lieutenant Governor via social networking sites to launching ItsMyNJ.com to give New Jerseyans a voice in our campaign, Chris and Kim are directly engaging New Jerseyans in a way no politician in the Garden State has done. The people of New Jersey are frustrated and ready for change, and voters are counting down the days until Chris and Kim change Trenton."

Visit Christie-Guadagno Sites:
· Christie-Guadagno Website: www.christiefornj.com
· Christie Twitter: www.twitter.com/christiefornj
· Christie-Guadagno Facebook: www.facebook.com/christieguadagno09
· Christie-Guadagno Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/34993591@N05/sets/

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