Thursday, October 22, 2009

Conviction Reflects On Corzine

New Jersey Republican State Committee Chairman Jay Webber today issued the following statement in response to the conviction of former Bergen County Democratic Party Chairman Joseph Ferriero on corruption and mail fraud charges:
"For New Jersey, today's verdict is as much about Jon Corzine as Joseph Ferriero. Ferriero's conviction is a disturbing refection on Governor Corzine, who has been a significant financier of corrupt party bosses and machines, including Ferriero.
"Corzine and his family donated over $440,000 to accounts controlled by Ferriero and disgraced former Senator Joseph Coniglio, also convicted of corruption.
"While Governor Corzine pays lip service to ethics reform, today's conviction reminds us that, as on so many issues, Governor Corzine's record doesn't match his rhetoric."

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