Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Chrisitie Wins Environmentalists Backing

Today, the New Jersey Environmental Federation, the state's largest environmental organization, formally endorsed Chris Christie for governor based on his stellar record holding polluters accountable and strong commitment to our state's environmental future. The Federation reversed their 2005 endorsement of Jon Corzine, expressing disappointment in his willingness to bow to political pressures instead of standing up for environmental principles and a string of broken promises from his first campaign.
This is the first time in the organization's history that they have endorsed a Republican candidate for governor in New Jersey.
Citing Christie's aggressive green agenda, Sharon Finlayson, Chair of NJEF and its political arm, the Vote Environment Committee, praised Chris not just for talking about his commitment to New Jersey's environment, but having the record to back it up. "While we endorsed Governor Corzine in 2005, four years later, his record is hugely disappointing. I believe Mr. Christie shares not only our environmental values, but has a strong record relentlessly fighting to protect our state's environment from pollution. As U.S. Attorney, he sought stiff penalties for polluters and fought to keep our waters clean - which is more than I can say about Jon Corzine's record over the last four years."
Chris Christie said, "I am prepared to work as a partner with the New Jersey Environmental Federation to achieve our shared goals of both protecting our precious natural resources and promoting the creation of clean energy jobs. Governor Corzine has consistently bowed to political pressure from industry polluters on regulations, sacrificing our environment in the process. In a Christie administration, we can and will enforce environmental protections while encouraging emerging industries to grow our economy and create sustainable jobs."
Earlier this year, Chris unveiled his "Energy as Industry" plan, which focused on making New Jersey the leader in renewable energy manufacturing by supporting green technology. The plan will advocate, promote, and market New Jersey renewable energy through Christie's personal advocacy, aggressive marketing campaigns, and incentives that will make it easier for companies to locate and grow in New Jersey.
"While many governors in the history of our state have been able to both grow our economy and better environmental protections, Governor Corzine has done neither. We are supporting Chris Christie because he has the vision for our state that will not only help create quality, high-paying, sustainable clean energy jobs, but ensure we maintain and enforce the appropriate environmental protections. We can grow our economy and protect our natural resources," said Ben Forest, an NJEF and VEC board member.

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