Friday, October 9, 2009

Sakozy Boosts Son, Jean

Jean Sarkozy

From Charles Bremmer at The Times of London:
President Sarkozy caused embarrassment among his political allies yesterday with news that his 23-year-old student son is to be handed the powerful post of boss of Europe’s biggest business district.
As the Opposition cried nepotism, stalwarts of Mr Sarkozy’s Union for a Popular Movement said that the President was going too far in lining up Jean [pictured], a third-year student, to head the public agency that runs La Défense, the island of corporate towers in the west of Paris.
Patrick Devedjian, a Cabinet minister and the current Défense boss, is being moved aside for the President’s second son. He reacted bitterly yesterday with a quotation from Corneille, the 17th-century dramatist: “For souls nobly born, valour does not await the passing of years.” Privately, other UMP officials said that Mr Sarkozy was exposing himself to accusations of dynasty building.
Patrick Jarry, the Communist Mayor of Nanterre, which borders La Défense, said that the President’s younger son had no legitimacy and no qualifications for such a post. “This is nothing less than an attempt to ensure the permanence of the clan and lock down the executive power in the area,” he said.
If the job is confirmed in December, the ascent of the fledgeling politician will be even more meteoric than that of his father, who won the mayor’s post in Neuilly, the rich suburb that adjoins La Défense, at the age of 28.

1 comment:

  1. There is a slight mistake in your article. Jean Sarkozy is actually a second-year student in law at the Sorbonne. He was held back twice in first year of law (obtaining it on his third try), and has missed twice his end of year exams in second year.
