Thursday, November 12, 2009

Christie Announces Transition Team

Governor-Elect Chris Christie announced his Transition New Jersey Leadership Team, which is being led by former Attorney General David Samson. The Transition Team is made of bi-partisan leaders in both the public and private sector who will bring their combined management experience, knowledge and know-how to spearhead transition efforts over the next few months.
Chairman David Samson said, “I am excited we have been able to put together a talented, bi-partisan and dedicated group of individuals to help guide Governor-Elect Christie’s transition efforts. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but we are ready to help execute Chris’ vision for changing the way our government does business.”
Governor-Elect Chris Christie added, “There is no doubt we have our work cut out for us, but I am confident that the team we have put together to lead my transition will set the tone for the rest of the Christie Administration.”

Governor-Elect Christie Transition New Jersey Leadership Team

David Samson, Esq. – Chairman
Former New Jersey Attorney General
Senior Partner, Wolff & Samson PC

Dr. Susan A. Cole
President of Montclair State University

Senator Sandra B. Cunningham
State Senator (31st Legislative District)

Debra P. DiLorenzo

President/CEO of the Chamber Of Commerce Southern New Jersey

Michael DuHaime
Managing Director, Mercury Public Affairs, LLC

George Gilmore, Esq.
Partner, Gilmore & Monahan‎

Jon Hanson
Chairman and Founder of the Hampshire Real Estate Companies

Alfred C. Koeppe Executive
Director of the Newark Alliance, former President and COO of PSE&G

Senator Joseph M. Kyrillos, Jr.
State Senator (13th Legislative District)

Mayor John McCormac
Mayor of Woodbridge, former State Treasurer

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