Friday, November 20, 2009

Christie Transition Committee Chairs

New Jersey Governor-Elect Chris Christie announced today the names of leaders from the private and public sectors who will chair 19 different issue sub-committees tasked with issue development and state appointments.
These diverse leaders in industry, business, education and public service from across New Jersey will oversee the top to bottom review of each government department and help manage the appointment process.
Chairman David Samson stated, "We are privileged to have such an accomplished and respected group of leaders from both the private and public sectors heading up our sub-committees on issues and appointments. The first step to ensuring a smooth transition is analyzing and evaluating departmental performance and finding qualified and innovative people to handle the work that needs to be done. They are up to the task."
Members of each issue sub-committee will be released next week.
Transition Sub-Committee Chairs

Lieutenant Governor –Elect Kim Guadagno

Law and Public Safety
David Samson, Esq.
Former New Jersey Attorney General
Senior Partner, Wolff & Samson PC

Office of the Governor
The Honorable Peter Verniero
Former Justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court and former New Jersey Attorney General Partner, Sills Cummis & Gross PC

George Gilmore, Esq.
Partner, Gilmore & Monahan

Michael DuHaime
Managing Partner, Mercury Public Affairs, LLC

Banking and Insurance
Edward B. Deutsch, Esq.
Managing Partner, McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP.

Community Affairs
Senator Sandra B. Cunningham
State Senator (31st Legislative District)

Economic Development and Growth
Mayor John McCormac
Mayor of Woodbridge
Former State Treasurer

Co-Chair: Dennis M. Bone
President/CEO of Verizon New Jersey

Education Dr. Susan Cole
President of Montclair State University

Energy and Utilities
Bob Martin Retired Partner,
Accenture, LLP

Environmental Protection
The Honorable Marcia Karrow
New Jersey State Senator (23rd District)

Gaming, Sports and Entertainment
Jon Hanson Chairman and Founder of the Hampshire Real Estate Companies
Former Chairman, New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority

Health Care
David Knowlton
President and CEO, New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute

Human Services & Children and Families
John Bonanni
Administrator, County of Morris

Labor and Workforce Development
Debra P. DiLorenzo
President/CEO of the Chamber Of Commerce Southern New Jersey

Military and Veterans Affairs
Colonel (Ret) Mike Warner, United States Army

James Weinstein
Senior Vice President, AECOM
Former Commissioner of Transportation and former NJ Transit Board Chairman

Treasury The Honorable Michael A. Ferguson
Former United States Congressman (NJ-7)
Chairman/CEO of Ferguson Strategies

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