Tuesday, November 10, 2009

NJ Election Aftermath Losers

Well, we've tallied up the winners in the aftermath of the New Jersey gubernatorial election.
So (after Jon Corzine) here are the big losers, in no particular order:
Chris Daggett: Yo, Mr. Rogers - Get your sneakers and cardigan and go have some milk 'n cookies.
Newark Star Ledger: In the same league with Mr. Rogers. Laughable.
Barack Obama - Last I checked Mr. President, you did come here something like five times for your good bud, Jon. Now go help him find the missing "h" from his name.
Kennedys - A whole slew of the Dems' Royal Family extolled Corzine, live.
KYW Newsradio - Continued to tout Obama visits and supposed Corzine edge (two, three, four times a day) even as Christie was pulling away.
Most polls - Including Monmouth, Stockton, Farleigh-Dickinson and Democracy Corps polls which picked Corzine. Even polls that showed Christie ahead did not anticipate the 4.3% final margin. Shame on 'em!
NJN and Its Commentators - Mostly clueless, once again.
Paul Mulshine - So-called "conservative" columnist finked out on Christie.
Joe Cryan - Dem State Chair probably still cryin.
Loretta Weinberg - WHO?
NJEA - Bet $3,000,000+ on Corzine. Lost.
Big Labor - In the end, union grapplers were overwhelmed. But they'll be back. They always are.
Blue Jersey - The once-vaulted leftie blog ain't quite so chic anymore.
Jim & Jim - Florio and McGreevy are still losers, and now they're joined by Corzine. Three Democrat one-term Governors. Hey, the last time a Democrat Governor succeeded himself was nearly thirty years ago.
Philly Inquirer, Bergen Record, New York Times - All followed the same losing route. All acted like weary, old liberal dinosaurs. Do they ever learn?

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