Sunday, December 13, 2009

Congratulations To Rob Nigro!

Robert Nigro has been named as one of two runners-up for the 2009 Creative Nonfiction Prize awarded by Hunger Mountain, a publication of the Vermont College of Fine Arts, for his memoir, "Under the Black Flag."
Rob is the founder of Whatever’s Write, a workshop group that serves prose writers in southern New Jersey. He has served on the editorial board and as fiction editor for the southern New Jersey arts group AfterImage and worked extensively as a journalist, editor and corporate writer for the last twenty years. He is a graduate of Indiana University, where he majored in broadcasting, and lives in southern New Jersey with his wife and dog.
Having known Rob since we worked with him at the Philadelphia Bar Association, we're very happy for him.
Rob is a kind and thoughtful person, a talented writer and a thorough professional. Which is just another way of saying that it couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

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