Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Kean Praises Dow Nomination

New Jersey Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean congratulated Paula Dow on her nomination as attorney general, and praised Governor-elect Chris Christie for the selection of a well-respected, experienced prosecutor as his first pick for a Cabinet-level appointment.
“Paula Dow stands out even among the many talented New Jersey lawyers qualified to fill the post of attorney general,” Senator Kean said. “I applaud both the governor-elect for his choice in this key nomination, and Paula Dow for her willingness to serve the people of New Jersey.”
Senator Kean said he looked forward to the nomination process in the Senate and vowed to help it move forward in the smoothest and most efficient way possible.
“Paula Dow has years of experience after serving in the U.S. Attorney’s Office and as the manager of New Jersey’s largest county prosecutor’s office,” Senator Kean said. “Her record of competence and success should speak for itself.”
Kean also praised the highly experienced group of supporting managers named along with Dow to positions in the Christie attorney general’s office. In addition to Dow, the governor-elect will name Phillip Kwon, now a deputy chief of the criminal division at the U.S. Attorney's Office, as first assistant attorney general; Marc Ferzan, another deputy chief of the criminal division, as executive assistant attorney general; and First Assistant Essex County Prosecutor Carolyn Murray as counsel to the attorney general.

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